Dresses and dungarees for kid girl

For kindergarten, for her first playdates or other memorable occasions: check out our collection of dresses and dungarees for girls 1 to 6 years old here.

Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 55,90 to Lv 27,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 27,95
Lv 35,90
4 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 55,90 to Lv 27,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 27,95
3 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 35,90 to Lv 17,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 17,95
4 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 55,90 to Lv 27,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 27,95
2 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 75,90 to Lv 37,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 37,95
2 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 69,90 to Lv 34,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 34,95
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 69,90 to Lv 34,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 34,95
2 Colors
Lv 35,90
4 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 75,90 to Lv 37,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 37,95
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 55,90 to Lv 27,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 27,95
3 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 75,90 to Lv 37,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 37,95
2 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 35,90 to Lv 17,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 17,95
4 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 55,90 to Lv 27,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 27,95
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 69,90 to Lv 34,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 34,95
2 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 55,90 to Lv 27,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 27,95
2 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from Lv 69,90 to Lv 34,95
lowest price in the last 30 days: Lv 34,95
New Collection
Lv 49,90


Lv 55,90
3 Colors


Lv 55,90
2 Colors